Mittwoch, 15.12.2021
Congratulations to Martin Smolnig
Martin received his PhD on December 15th 2021
Dienstag, 30.11.2021
BioHealth-new Clip MOBILES members are part of BioHealth and present their newest clip on YouTube
Donnerstag, 11.11.2021
Poster Award
Dominik Bulfon won one of the two poster awards at the ICBL 2021 in Utrecht, NL
Dienstag, 19.10.2021
Schutz ohne Stich
Uni Graz entwickelt potenziellen Impfstoff gegen Covid-19
Dienstag, 19.10.2021
Graduate Seminare
February 28th 2022...
Mittwoch, 07.07.2021
25 Doc Day
July 8th...
Montag, 21.06.2021
Doc.funds Workshop Data Visualization
Sept. 29th and 30th 2021
Freitag, 11.06.2021
The new paragraph § 109 of The Universities Act (UG) and its implications for young scientists in Austria
an info-session on the UG amendment 2021
Montag, 31.05.2021
Wo das Cholera-Bakterium sein Gift versteckt, haben ForscherInnen der Universität Graz entdeckt
Sonntag, 04.04.2021
Wahl einer PhD Studienvertretung/ election of student council
18.5 – 20.5 StV ÖH election ...
Freitag, 26.02.2021
Guest Lecture by Prof. Damian Ekiert
Title: Bridges, Tunnels, and Ferries: How bacteria move lipids between membranes
Mittwoch, 25.11.2020
Graduate Seminar
save the day: Feb.26, 2021